Q and A with David Hodgson, creator of the Buzz Quiz
Where did you get the idea for The Buzz Quiz?
I was a Careers Adviser for 20 years. I met some young people that knew what course or career they wanted to f...
Find out how to link your programme with the ethos, culture and values of your institution and share best practice when making taking a strategic approach to careers.
Learning from career and labour market information can help young people understand future study options and opportunities in the North East.
Benchmark 3 focuses on the importance of addressing the needs of each and every pupil.
Embedding careers in the curriculum can provide that key line of sight from the classroom to the world of work for young people.
Benchmark 5 focuses on the importance of every pupil having multiple opportunities to learn from employers about work, employment and the skills that are valued in the workplace.
We've brought together resources, advice and guidance on how to make progress towards achieving benchmark 6 in your school or college.
This toolkit bringing together resources, advice and guidance on how to make progress towards achieving benchmark 7 in your school or college.
Benchmark 8 focuses on the importance of personal guidance, it sets an expectation that all students will have a career guidance interview with a professionally qualified careers adviser by age 16 and the opportunity for a further such interviews between 16 and 18.
This good practice guide and video supports Careers Leaders in achieving the Gatsby Benchmarks in middle schools.
Read the latest edition and back catalogue of the North East Ambition's termly newsletter for Secondary Head Teachers and Principals