Labour market information helps us to understand employment in different sectors, occupations, wage levels and the skills/qualific...
Explore the Unipres automotive manufacturing plant and learn more about the different job roles and career pathways that are avail...
Navigate your way around the Civil Service and meet a range of employees from vaious departments, discovering more about job roles...
Navigate your way around the Harrison and Brown department store, discovering the roles of key individuals within the organisation...
Check out this overview of apprenticeships for post-16 leaners, supported by local case studies and videos from the North east.
A film by the North East Local Enterprise Partnership highlighting what employers look for when recruiting apprentices.
Work Experience Framework: How to guide The benefits to young people from engaging with employers and experiencing the workplace a...
Access a range of virtual workplace tours of companies based around the North East.
Check out this overview of T Levels for post-16 learners, supported by local case studies and videos from the North East.
Gatsby Benchmark toolkit – SEND About the Gatsby Benchmark toolkit – SEND This is the second version of the SEND Gatsby toolkit, a...
The Good Career Guidance Benchmarks: A whole-college approach to achieving success About North East Ambition The goal of North Eas...
A whole-college approach to achieving success