Careers Link Governors

Link governors focus on a specific aspect of school life and report back to the Governing Body on it. Their job is to raise the profile of the issue, monitor it, and provide support and challenge to key school staff.

Understanding the role

The role (Middle / Secondary schools)

An overview of the role of Careers Link Governor.

The role (Primary schools)

Advice for primary school governing boards.

Supporting resources

Careers guide for governing boards

A comprehensive guide produced by the National Governance Association and Careers Enterprise Company.

    Role guide and description

    Produced by the National Governance Association a role descriptor that can be adapted to meet the needs of the school.

    Education Inspection Framework Guide

    Produced by the Careers Enterprise Company this guide supports preparation for the Education Inspection Framework.

    Online careers training for governors

    Produced by the Careers Enterprise Company aiming to equip Governors with the knowledge needed to provide appropriate support and challenge, to ensure that all students receive high quality careers education.

    Case Studies

    Lucy Johnson: North East LEP enterprise coordinator and school governor