The role of Careers Link Governor in Middle / Secondary schools

The term “link governor” is not used in law, but schools use it to mean a governor who takes a particular interest in an area of school life and may take on related responsibilities.

The DfE provide a useful description of link governor duties in their guides to governance structures and roles.

“The role of a link governor is to ensure that someone has specific oversight of a particular area and to deepen the board’s knowledge of a particular area."

“The role will involve visiting the school and meeting with staff leads to understand how the strategic objectives are being embedded, how money is being spent and any particular issues affecting delivery."

“These roles should always remain strategic and not operational.”

Statutory guidance on careers says that secondary school boards should have a link governor who is responsible for “careers education and guidance” and who “encourages employer engagement”. The guidance applies to both maintained schools and academies.

Careers guidance and access for education and training providers - GOV.UK ( (July 2021 pg.13)

The Governance Handbook gives a little more information about the role of the careers link governor.

“All boards have a crucial role to play in connecting their school with the wider community of business and other professional people in order to enhance the education and career aspirations of pupils."

“Boards are encouraged to have a nominated individual who takes a strategic interest in careers education and guidance and encourages employer engagement, which may in turn potentially lead to employers providing new, skilled individuals to serve on the board.”

Governance Handbook 2019 ( (Oct 2020 Section 6.5.9)

Whilst the guidance specifically states secondary schools there are some aspects that apply to Year 8 and therefore also applicable for middle schools.  In addition, there is growing evidence to highlight the importance of career-related learning in primary phase therefore applicable to middle school strategic planning.

Starting early – the importance of career-related learning in primary school - Education and Employers 

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