The term “link governor” is not used in law, but schools use it to mean a governor who takes a particular interest in an area of school life and may take on related responsibilities.
The DfE provide a useful description of link governor duties in their guides to governance structures and roles.
“The role of a link governor is to ensure that someone has specific oversight of a particular area and to deepen the board’s knowledge of a particular area."
“The role will involve visiting the school and meeting with staff leads to understand how the strategic objectives are being embedded, how money is being spent and any particular issues affecting delivery."
“These roles should always remain strategic and not operational.”
Unlike for secondary schools there is no current statutory guidance for primary schools however, governing boards in primary schools can have a significant influence in equipping their pupils with an understanding and knowledge of the world of work and the pathways later in their education or training. At this age it is particularly important to challenge preconceptions and address stereotypes.
Governors can ask school staff probing questions such as:
- How do pupils learn about the world of work?
- Do we have opportunities for pupils to talk to visitors about different careers and found out about the local labour market?
- Do we address perceptions of certain careers for example women in STEM related careers?
- Do resources we have such as books and posters reinforce or tackle career related stereotypes?
- How do we evaluate the impact of world of work learning on pupil aspirations?
- Do we have systems in place to share information about pupil aspirations with others (staff, parents/carers, next place of education)?
The North East Local Enterprise Partnership have conducted a pilot across 70 primary schools to support schools to use and adapted set of Good Career Guidance Benchmarks as a framework to strategically develop an age-appropriate careers programme. An evaluation report and recommendations along with a range of supporting resources that can be used by other schools.
Primary Schools - North East Ambition
Governors may also wish to read the “What works?” document produced by the Careers Enterprise Company and Education Employers which highlights six key lessons of practice for career-related learning at primary level.
For more information contact