Work Experience Framework Modules

The Work Experience Framework modules have been developed to support employers and educators to plan and deliver structured, meaningful encounters for young people.

Explore a range of resources to support and structure meaningful encounters

Within each module you will find; a module overview, a facilitator's guide and a student resource pack with opportunities to customise activities to meet specific needs of employers, educators and young people.

Resources can be downloaded and used as a digital file or printed and used as hard copies.

The workplace tours can be used to support activities in Module 3 (Company Induction) and Module 5 (Being an Effective Employee), providing an opportunity for young people to gain an understanding of different workplaces.

Goal Setting and Reflection

Ensure students consider what they want to achieve from their work experience encounters with employers.

Company Research

Encourage students to research the host employer and find out key information. 

Formulating a Travel Plan

Suggested as part of the pre-experience preparation, students formulate their intended travel plan to their place of work.

Company Induction

Help students gain an understanding and overview of the company and its organisational structure.


Support students to develop an understanding of effective teamwork, and how it's key to workplace productivity. 

Being an Effective Employee

Help students understand workplace expectations and conduct and how school and college environments help to prepare them for the world of work.

Problem Solving

Enables students to explore problem-solving strategies that are used in business, and gain experience and skills through applying strategies used by businesses during their workplace challenge.

Effective Project Management

Highlight key principles of project management and equip students with some introductory tools and templates to effectively engage and complete their workplace challenge.

Company Workplace Challenge

A workplace challenge is a career preparation activity where students, work individually or in small groups (3-5 students per team) to solve a real-world problem or challenge issued or faced by an employer. 

Recruitment process

This module breaks down the various aspects of applying for employment. Students use authentic job application material to understand the importance of matching their own skills and experiences to criteria being asked by the employer.

Pitching and Presenting

Designed to enable students to confidently and effectively present to an audience, considering the skills required such as planning, preparing and communicating, including the use of tools such as Microsoft PowerPoint, Prezi etc.

Employer Feedback

Employer feedback and the opportunity to ask questions is a key component of ensuring a work placement or employer encounter is “meaningful”. It is recognised that this can be the most challenging aspect of work experience, especially if working in a virtual way. 

Creating an Online Profile

This extended module aims to support students to understand the impact of social media platforms when applying to college, university or employment.

Workplace Rights

Aims to support students to better understand what a union is, the different types of unions there are, what they do and how they can support staff in the workplace.

Explore the Workplace

Explore a range of resources to support and structure meaningful encounters for young people in the workplace.