Post-16 options

We’ve brought together information on all the options for young people who are finishing year 11, so you can help your students find out about the full range of opportunities available to them.

Technical education pathways

T Levels

Find out more about T-levels, hear from learners and employers about their experiences and where you can develop your knowledge about this exciting new technical education pathway.

Vocational qualifications

More information on vocational qualifications, including BTECs and NVQs. 


Find out more about this ‘learn while you earn’ option, hear from learners and employers about their experiences and where to find apprenticeship opportunities

A parents' toolkit for careers conversations

Visit the toolkit an explore information for parents and carers 

Other pathways

A Levels

Hear from young people who have used A Levels to progress on to university, apprenticeships and the world of work.


Find out more about employment.