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Inspiring Governance – North East Employer Lunch and Learn

  • Online
  • Free


Schools need skilled people from the world of work on their governing boards more than ever, helping to set the strategic direction of schools while developing their own skillsets. 

As a region we have a significant shortage of governors across primary – FE and specifically vacancies are looking for individuals with the following skills or industry experience:

  • Data and finance 
  • Safeguarding and wellbeing 
  • Green and sustainability 
  • Community and Social value 
  • Project management
  • HR and performance management 
  • Greater representation needed from - Young governors (18-30) 

Join us for our Autumn Inspiring Governance Lunch and Learn session on Thursday 12th October at 12.30pm via zoom, the session will be delivered by the Inspiring Governance team at Education and Employers in collaboration with the North East Ambition team at the North East Local Enterprise Partnership (North East LEP).  This lunchtime CPD session looks at how to become a governor through the DfE funded Inspiring Governance recruitment service. 

The session will look at:

  • What is school and academy governance and how is it changing?
  • What is Inspiring Governance and how can you best promote your skills to local schools?
  • The Value of Volunteering research showing the benefits and potential career progression that becoming a governor brings you
  • How becoming a governor can develop skills for your professional life
  • Hear insights from your North East business leaders who are currently governors/ trustees in the region and how it has helped them in their day job
  • Understand the Everyone on Board campaigns focussed on diversifying school governance
  • Plenty of time for Q&A about the role and what it can do for you



Zoom, Online, Online, Ne14ad


  • Enterprise Advisers
  • Employers
  • Business
  • North East Ambition

Event overview

Start Date
Event Type
North East Ambition
Registration Link
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