
Browse the latest upcoming events that could support you to deliver the Good Career Guidance Benchmarks

Industry Placements within the social care sector: how can they work in your organisation?

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Working in partnership with the NHS England SW (Workforce, Education and Training) the Department for Education are hosting this 90 minute session focused on the social care sector and how T Level industry placements can be used to support the short and long-term development of your workforce.

In this webinar, you'll get an overview of what T Level industry placements look like for today’s Social Care roles, practical examples of how to make sure it is a success for you and the student and the government support available to help you.

The webinar will cover:

  • what industry placements are and how they contribute to T Level qualifications; 
  • what industry placements look like for social care roles including models of delivery;
  • how T Levels connect into other workforce initiatives and career pathways in H & S Care you may have in your organisation
  • the kind of projects/tasks T Levels students can do and the workplace roles they can progress to after their course.
  • roles and responsibilities of employers, students and training providers;
  • case study insights from those already offering social care placements
  • the tools, and resources available to support you along your journey.

This session has been designed in partnership with the NHS England SW (Workforce, Education and Training) and is focused on the South west region, however, it is open and relevant to all. 

Who is the webinar for?

Designed for HR Managers, Learning and Development Managers, and others interested in hosting placements in social care settings. 

Speakers and presenters

The webinar will be delivered by the Department for Education (DfE) and Strategic Development Network (SDN) in partnership with NHS England SW (Workforce, Education and Training). SDN is a trusted partner of the DfE and has a proven track record helping organisations understand and benefit from apprenticeships and technical education to upskill and prepare tomorrow's workforce.





  • Employers

Event overview

Start Date
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Registration Link
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