
part of the Early Connect pilot programme 

A pilot being delivered in partnership between the Department for Education (DfE) and UCAS. Our aim is to support more young people onto apprenticeships and make it easier for employers to find apprentices.

What is Early Connect?

Early Connect is a pilot being delivered in partnership between the Department for Education (DfE) and UCAS, to support more young people onto apprenticeships, and to make it easier for employers to find apprentices.

Starting in October 2023 and currently available until October 2025, the programme builds upon the national services that are already in place through the DfE and UCAS, providing year 13 students with exclusive access to additional support designed specifically for those interested in exploring apprenticeships alongside their other options, including undergraduate courses.

You will be equipped with the tools, resources and knowledge to effectively support young people considering their next steps. 

Get an Apprenticeship Adviser

As part of this service we have launched a new free service to help year 13 students find, apply for and secure an apprenticeship which also reduces the number of steps needed to signing up to Smart Alerts.

This is an opportunity to access an apprenticeship adviser, who can help your students explore apprenticeships in more detail.

The apprenticeship adviser will contact the student within three working days by telephone or email to help with:

  • Additional careers information, advice and Connecting with local employers looking to hire apprentices
  • Help with applications and interviews
  • Matching with apprenticeship opportunities in line with their goals

Useful resources

apprenticeReady resources for learners, schools and colleges and parents/carers.

CPD modules to support schools and colleges - view upcoming live session dates and documents

Free workshops addressing the challenges faced by diverse and disadvantaged applicants

A simple guide of regionally funded organisations and providers that offer careers programme support

Explore apprenticeships on the UCAS website

UCAS slide decks for all audiences (parents, students and teachers)

Early connect FAQs

Introductory webinar on Early Connect

Checklist for Early Connect schools and colleges

Resources to support staff helping young people navigate apprenticeships

A parent and carer guide to apprenticeships and technical education