Understanding the science T level pathway

Resources for teachers to support understanding of the Science T Level pathway as a post-16 option

These resources are designed to support teachers, particularly teachers of science, to understand the Science T level pathway as a post-16 option. They include teacher CPD resources which include an overview of the health and science T level route, detailed information on the Science T level pathway course content, links to further information and support, and a student pack to help raise awareness among young people of this option.

Teacher CPD video

This video can be used to support preparation for the delivery of the CPD presentation which forms part of this resource pack or can be played to deliver information as part of a teacher CPD session

Teacher CPD presentation

This presentation can be used to deliver teacher CPD on the Science T level pathway as a post-16 option.

Student resource pack

These lesson resources are aimed at key stage 4 students to support understanding of the Science T level as a post-16 option.

Durham students talk about their experience with T Levels

Understanding the science T Level pathway - a teacher's perspective