Benchmark 3 Essentials
Aspiration Survey Evaluation Tool
A tool to support you in gathering aspiration data from pupils in your school and evaluating it to ensure that your careers programme meets the needs of all pupils.
Aspiration Survey Evaluation Tool Guidance
Guidance to inform the use of the Aspiration Survey Evaluation Tool including key points to consider for your context and an example of how to evaluate the data for impact.
Challenging Stereotypes
Career Related Learning Book List
A collection of suggested books to help your pupils to explore a wide range of career options whilst challenging stereotypical thinking.
Gender Stereotypes in Early Childhood
A Report of the Commission on Gender Stereotypes in Early Childhood which sets out the evidence and proposes actions for educators and parents to actively challenge stereotypical thinking.
Challenging Gender Stereotypes Resources
A unit of study from The Careers & Enterprise Company and East Sussex County Council exploring and challenging gender stereotypes, including surveys to gain baseline data and measure impact, a whole school assembly and various activities.
Benchmark 3 resources
Explore trusted, high quality resources from a variety of sources to support your planning and progress towards delivering the benchmarks.
Further support
We’ve collated a list of providers and organisations who can help to inspire and provide young people with an insight to the world of work.
Case studies
Explore news, case studies and other useful information
Audit Tool
Our audit tool gives Careers Leaders the opportunity to analyse your school’s strengths and weaknesses with regards to your whole school careers provision.
Working with parents and carers
Parental engagement template policy
A school policy template for you to customise your own parental engagement strategy that encompasses career related learning effectively.
Parental engagement evidence paper
An evidence based report that underpins the added-value of parental engagement in career-related learning in primary schools.