Regional Training

Our training and Q&A sessions support you to benchmark, manage, track and report your school’s careers programme. 

Please see below all upcoming training sessions for 2024/25

Autumn Term

Wednesday 25 September (4.00 – 4.40pm) - New Careers Leaders Workshop - Teams

Explore the ‘top ten’ of  what you need to know as a new Careers Leader, with signposting to organisations, training and resources to support you in your new role.

Who should attend?

This session is designed for those new to role of Careers Leader

Click here to join the live session

Monday 30 September (4.00 - 4.30pm) - How to make the most of the CEC Internal Leadership review - Teams

Explore the basics of the CEC’s new Internal Leadership Review tool in Compass+ and draw on early pilot evidence to understand how to use the tool effectively to improve learner outcomes.

Who should attend?

This session is designed for all Careers Leaders in mainstream schools and Colleges; special schools; alternative provision and sixth forms.

Click here to join the live session


Tuesday 01 October (10.00 – 12.00pm and 2.00 - 4.00pm) - Compass+ for new Careers Leaders – first steps - Leonardo Hotel, St. James’ Gate

These sessions are in person and led by the CEC Compass + team and will cover the basics for using Compass+ effectively in your careers programme. Please note, attendance is either morning or afternoon.

Who should attend?

This session is designed for all Careers Leaders in mainstream schools and Colleges; special schools; alternative provision and sixth forms.

To register please email





Tuesday 08 October (4.00 - 4.30pm) - Sustainability and Employability - Teams

This session is led by Rebecca Storey from the North East CA. Rebecca has spent the last year working with employers and experts across the region to co-design and pilot a specialist careers lesson and resource focusing on what skills and knowledge our region's young people need prior to entering the workforce.

This introductory session will provide an overview of the package available for you to book for direct delivery to your students. You will hear about the region's key sectors, how they are adapting to decarbonisation and meeting net zero targets, skills and job predictions, plus career maps.

Who should attend?

This session is designed for all Careers Leaders in mainstream schools and Colleges; special schools; alternative provision and sixth forms.

Click here to join the live session

Tuesday 15 October (3.30 - 4.30pm) - SEND – Focus on Benchmarks - Teams

Explore common benchmark blockers and solutions of for SEND provision.

Who should attend?

This session is SEND specific, designed for Careers Leaders in special schools.

Click here to join the live session

Monday 21 October - (4.00 - 4.30pm) - How to make the most of the CEC Internal Leadership review - Teams

Explore the basics of the CEC’s new Internal Leadership Review tool in Compass+ and draw on early pilot evidence to understand how to use the tool effectively to improve learner outcomes.

Who should attend?

This session is designed for all Careers Leaders in mainstream schools and Colleges; special schools; alternative provision and sixth forms.

Click here to join the live session

Monday 11 November - (4.00 - 4.30pm) - How to make the most of the CEC Internal Leadership review - Teams

Explore the basics of the CEC’s new Internal Leadership Review tool in Compass+ and draw on early pilot evidence to understand how to use the tool effectively to improve learner outcomes.

Who should attend?

This session is designed for all Careers Leaders in mainstream schools and Colleges; special schools; alternative provision and sixth forms.

Click here to join the live session

Tuesday 12 November - (3.30 - 4.30pm) - SEND Community of Practice meeting - Teams

The SEND Community of Practice is a new forum which will meet termly to discuss relevant topics and themes related to SEND provision.

Who should attend?

This session is SEND focused – designed for both Careers Leaders in special schools and alternative provision and SEND in mainstream

Click here to join the live session

Friday 15 November 2024 (9.00-3.45pm) - Regional Conference - The Fed, Lancaster Road, Gateshead, NE11 9JR

Join us at our Winter conference for a mixture of regional updates and speakers. Networking time with your peers will be built into the programme. The theme of this conference is ‘tackling disadvantage through the lens of careers’

Who should attend?

This session is designed for all Careers Leaders in mainstream schools and Colleges; special schools; alternative provision and sixth forms.

To register via Eventbrite please click here

Wednesday 20 November 2024 (3.30 - 4.30pm) - Compass + for SEND - Teams

This session is led by Peter Hunter and Mark Fox. Explore how to use Compass+ for your SEND cohort.

Who should attend?

This session is SEND focused – designed for both Careers Leaders in special schools and alternative provision and SEND in mainstream

Click here to join the live session

Tuesday 26 November (10.00 – 11.00am and 2.00 - 3.00pm) - Compass+ for new Careers Leaders – first steps - Online

These sessions are in person and led by the CEC Compass + team and will cover the basics for using Compass+ effectively in your careers programme. Please note, attendance is either morning or afternoon.

Who should attend?

This session is designed for all Careers Leaders in mainstream schools and Colleges; special schools; alternative provision and sixth forms.

To register please email

Monday 02 December - (4.00 - 4.30pm) - How to make the most of the CEC Internal Leadership review - Teams

Explore the basics of the CEC’s new Internal Leadership Review tool in Compass+ and draw on early pilot evidence to understand how to use the tool effectively to improve learner outcomes.

Who should attend?

This session is designed for all Careers Leaders in mainstream schools and Colleges; special schools; alternative provision and sixth forms.

Click here to join the live session

Wednesday 04 December - (3.30 - 4.15pm) - Exclusive session on Gatsby’s ‘The Next 10 Years Report’ with Ryan Gibson - Teams

We are delighted to invite our North East Ambition careers community to an exclusive virtual update on the revised Gatsby Benchmarks delivered by Ryan Gibson, Senior Adviser: Careers, The Gatsby Foundation.

Join us to hear about any changes, and understand what it means for our schools and colleges.

For any queries regarding this event, please contact

Book your place here.

Tuesday 17 December (4.00pm - 5.00pm) - SEND Community of Practice meeting – led by Peter Hunter - Teams

The SEND Community of Practice is a new forum which will meet termly to discuss relevant topics and themes related to SEND provision.  

This session is SEND–focused and designed for Career Leaders in special schools and colleges, alternative education, and SEND in mainstream.

Register here.

Spring Term

Thursday 09 January (3.30 - 4.30pm) - SEND Work Experience Tools - Teams

This session will include an overview of tools to support SEND schools planning work experience

Who should attend?

This session is SEND specific – designed for Careers Leaders in special schools and colleges, alternative provision and SEND in mainstream.

Click here to join the live session

Wednesday 12 February 2025 (4.00 - 4.30pm) - Work Experience Framework - Teams

Learn about North East Ambition’s work experience framework and how it can be used flexibly to deliver various models of work experience. Take a tour of the resources via a live demo plus Q&A 

Who should attend?

This session is designed for all Careers Leaders in mainstream schools and Colleges; special schools; alternative provision and sixth forms.

Click here to join the live session

Friday 14 February 2025 (9.00am - 3.30pm) - Careers Summit - In-person venue TBC

Join the North East Ambition team and partners for an in-person training day exploring practical techniques, tools and resources to support you in your role as Careers Leader.

Who should attend?

This session is designed for all Careers Leaders in mainstream schools and Colleges; special schools; alternative provision and sixth forms.

More information including sign-up details to follow. 

Tuesday 18 March (4.00 - 5.30pm) - SEND Community of Practice meeting - Teams

The SEND Community of Practice is a new forum which will meet termly to discuss relevant topics and themes related to SEND provision.

Who should attend?

This session is SEND focused – designed for both Careers Leaders in special schools and alternative provision and SEND in mainstream

Join the meeting now 
Meeting ID: 310 018 573 044 
Passcode: wR7YZ7ig 


Summer Term

Wednesday 30 April (3.30 - 4.30pm) - SEND – Using Future Skills Questionnaire for SEND students - Teams

This session will provide an overview of how to use the FSQ specifically with SEND students.

Who should attend?

This sessions is SEND specific – designed for Careers Leaders in special schools and colleges, alternative provsion and SEND in mainstream.

Click here to join the live session

Tuesday 13 May (3.30 - 4.30pm) - SEND Community of Practice meeting - Teams

The SEND Community of Practice is a new forum which will meet termly to discuss relevant topics and themes related to SEND provision.

Who should attend?

This session is SEND focused – designed for both Careers Leaders in special schools and alternative provision and SEND in mainstream

Click here to join the live session

Wednesday 11 June (3.30 - 4.30pm) - SEND – Engaging with Parents - Teams

This session will provide an overview of parental engagement strategies and resources specifically for SEND cohorts.

Who should attend?

This session is SEND focused – designed for both Careers Leaders in special schools and alternative provision and SEND in mainstream

Click here to join the live session

Friday 27 June 2024 (9.00-3.45pm) - Regional Conference - In-person venue TBC

Join us at our Summer conference for a mixture of regional updates, keynote speakers and individual workshops. Networking time with your peers will built into the programme.

Who should attend?

This session is designed for all Careers Leaders in mainstream schools and Colleges; special schools; alternative provision and sixth forms.

More information including sign-up details to follow. 

Tuesday 15 July - (3.30 - 4.30pm) - SEND Community of Practice meeting - Teams

The SEND Community of Practice is a new forum which will meet termly to discuss relevant topics and themes related to SEND provision.

Who should attend?

This session is SEND focused – designed for both Careers Leaders in special schools and alternative provision and SEND in mainstream

Click here to join the live session