Please visit the CEC’s Compass+ training page for further information and supporting resources.
Please see below all upcoming training sessions
Thursday 19 September (3.30 – 4.30pm) - Exploring the key features of Compass+ - Zoom
Compass+ supports you to benchmark, manage, track and report on your institution’s careers programme at individual learner level.
Join this webinar to:
- Learn about key features of Compass+ and how to use them effectively in your setting
- Understand the value of inputting data to identify trends/patterns and power your careers provision
- Know where to access further training and support
This webinar is designed for all Careers Leaders and key careers stakeholders who are involved in using Compass+ in mainstream schools, special schools, sixth forms, APs and PRUs.
Tuesday 24 September (3.30 – 4.00pm) - Compass+ Bitesize : Bulk Activities upload and Partner uploads - Zoom
Join this webinar to:
- Understand how to download the Activities Upload Template ready to be populated and uploaded
- Understand how to download activities CSV files from Partner Platforms and upload into Compass+
- Identify ways to analyse progress against the eight Gatsby Benchmarks following an activities upload
- Learn how to analyse data from activities uploads that will support the strategic planning of careers and achieving the Gatsby Benchmarks
This webinar is designed for all Careers Leaders and key careers stakeholders who are involved in using Compass+ in mainstream schools, special schools, sixth forms, APs and PRUs.
Thursday 26 September (3.30 – 4.30pm) -Delivery, analysis and impact of Future Skills Questionnaire (FSQ) - Zoom
Join this webinar to:
- Understand the value of the Future Skills Questionnaire and how it can help you to build and develop a progressive careers programme
- Enable you to prepare effectively to launch FSQ in your setting
- Understand the value in exporting and analysing learner responses to inform your future provision
- Support you to identify individual learner needs and plan targeted support where required
- Know where to access further training and support
This webinar is designed for all Careers Leaders and key careers stakeholders who are involved in using Compass+ in mainstream schools, special schools, sixth forms, APs and PRUs.
Thursday 10 October (3.30 – 4.30pm) - Using Compass+ effectively in a SEND setting - Zoom
Join this webinar to:
- Identify key stakeholders in your setting that can engage with Compass+
- Learn how to use key functionality in Compass+ effectively and how to capture a range of data to share with stakeholders
- Learn more about the Future Skills Questionnaire (FSQ)
- Find out about ongoing developments for Compass+ users in SEND settings
- Know where to access further training and support
This webinar is designed for all Careers Leaders and key careers stakeholders who are involved in using Compass+ in mainstream schools, special schools, sixth forms, APs and PRUs.
Tuesday 15 October (3.30 – 4.00pm) - Compass+ Bitesize : Bulk Activities upload and Partner uploads - Zoom
Join this webinar to:
- Understand how creating custom groups can effectively support your practice
- Learn how to attach learners to a custom group
- Learn how to attach custom groups to activities
- Identify how to amend membership dates for learners who are in custom groups
- Know where to access further training and support
This webinar is designed for all Careers Leaders and key careers stakeholders who are involved in using Compass+ in mainstream schools, special schools, sixth forms, APs and PRUs.
Thursday 17 October (3.30 – 4.30pm) - Fully embedding Compass+ - Zoom
Join this webinar to:
- Understand how to use all functionality in Compass+ to create a full careers journey for every learner
- Understand how to analyse and export key data, to support strategic decision making
- Explore the latest product updates
- Know where to access further training and support
This webinar is designed for all Careers Leaders and key careers stakeholders who are involved in using Compass+ in mainstream schools, special schools, sixth forms, APs and PRUs.
Tuesday 22 October (3.30 – 4.00pm) - NEW* Compass+ Bitesize : Activities Reporting - Zoom
Join this webinar to:
- Understand the benefits of using the Activities reporting feature
- Learn how to analyse the data effectively and use this to inform further careers planning
- Identify learners who have/have not attended specific activities to enable intervention and outreach
- Know where to access further training and support
This webinar is designed for all Careers Leaders and key careers stakeholders who are involved in using Compass+ in mainstream schools, special schools, sixth forms, APs and PRUs.
Tuesday 31 October (10.00 – 11.00am) - Hosting T Level industry placements in the health and social care sector - Online
T Level industry placements are applicable across a wide range of industries and organisations. In this webinar, we’ll give you an overview of what T Level industry placements look like for clinical and non-clinical roles in the health and social care sector, how to make sure it is a success for you and the student, and the government support available to help you.
You’ll also get chance to hear from an employer already hosting T Level placements in these roles.
The webinar will cover:
- what T Level industry placements are and how they benefit your organisation
- what industry placements look like for clinical and non-clinical roles in the health and social care sectors
- how T Levels fit with other workforce initiatives and training in your organisation
- examples of tasks and activities that students can undertake and how learning goals can be achieved
- case study insights from those already offering health and social care placements
- the tools, and resources available to support you along your journey
Who is the webinar for?
Designed for HR / learning and development staff and health / social care team leads and managers and their wider teams.
Speakers and presenters
The webinar will be delivered by the Department for Education (DfE) and Strategic Development Network (SDN). SDN is a trusted partner of the DfE and has a proven track record helping organisations understand and benefit from apprenticeships and technical education to upskill and prepare tomorrow's workforce.
Tuesday 05 November (3.30 – 4.00pm) - Compass+ Bitesize : Learner Reporting - Zoom
Join this webinar to :
- Understand the learner reporting fields in Compass+
- Understand the built-in learner reports available in Compass+
- See the value of entering Interests and Destination data, how this impacts your Dashboard and the custom reporting available
- Learn how to save and access custom learner reports
- Explore how data can be used to inform your careers provision
- Know where to access further training and support
This webinar is designed for all Careers Leaders and key careers stakeholders who are involved in using Compass+ in mainstream schools, special schools, sixth forms, APs and PRUs.
Thursday 7 November (3.30 – 4.30pm) - Exploring the key features of Compass+ - Zoom
Join this webinar to:
- Learn about key features of Compass+ and how to use them effectively in your setting
- Understand the value of inputting data to identify trends/patterns and power your careers provision
- Know where to access further training and support
This webinar is designed for all Careers Leaders and key careers stakeholders who are involved in using Compass+ in mainstream schools, special schools, sixth forms, APs and PRUs.
Tuesday 12 November (3.30 – 4.00pm) - Compass+ Bitesize : Bulk Activities upload and Partner uploads - Zoom
Join this webinar to:
- Understand how to download the Activities Upload Template ready to be populated and uploaded
- Understand how to download activities CSV files from Partner Platforms and upload into Compass+
- Identify ways to analyse progress against the eight Gatsby Benchmarks following an activities upload
- Learn how to analyse data from activities uploads that will support the strategic planning of careers and achieving the Gatsby Benchmarks
- Know where to access further training and support
This webinar is designed for all Careers Leaders and key careers stakeholders who are involved in using Compass+ in mainstream schools, special schools, sixth forms, APs and PRUs.
Tuesday 19 November (3.30 – 4.00pm) -Compass+ Bitesize : FSQ analysis and reporting - Zoom
Join this webinar to:
- Understand the benefits of using the FSQ reporting feature
- Learn how to analyse the data effectively, selecting specific criteria and learner characteristics
- Identify how to use FSQ responses to track progress for individual learners and show how careers activities are having an impact on careers learning
- Understand how to identify individual learners who may require more targeted support and intervention
- Know where to access further training and support
This webinar is designed for all Careers Leaders and key careers stakeholders who are involved in using Compass+ in mainstream schools, special schools, sixth forms, APs and PRUs.
Thursday 21 November (3.30 – 4.30pm) - Preparing for and recording a Careers Impact internal leadership review - Zoom
Join this webinar to:
- Understand value and purpose of Internal Leadership reviews
- Prepare for an Internal leadership review
- Understand how to record responses to an Internal leadership review in Compass/Compass+
- Understand how to action plan and maximise the value of an Internal leadership review
This webinar is designed for all Careers Leaders and key careers stakeholders who are involved in using Compass+ in mainstream schools, special schools, sixth forms, APs and PRUs.
Thursday 28 November (3.30 – 4.30pm) - Introduction to Compass+ and FSQ for Governors - Zoom
Join this product tour to:
- Gain more understanding of Compass+ and it’s key features, including FSQ
- Support Careers Leaders and other Compass+ users to adopt and deliver a whole institution approach to careers by engaging with Compass+ as effectively as possible in their setting
- Understand how Governors can support with encouraging wider adoption of Compass+ within an institution
- Know where to access further training and support
This webinar is designed for all Careers Leaders and key careers stakeholders who are involved in using Compass+ in mainstream schools, special schools, sixth forms, APs and PRUs.
Tuesday 03 December (3.30 – 4.00pm) - Compass+ Bitesize : Learner Reporting - Zoom
Join this webinar to :
- Understand the learner reporting fields in Compass+
- Understand the built-in learner reports available in Compass+
- See the value of entering Interests and Destination data, how this impacts your Dashboard and the custom reporting available
- Learn how to save and access custom learner reports
- Explore how data can be used to inform your careers provision
- Know where to access further training and support
This webinar is designed for all Careers Leaders and key careers stakeholders who are involved in using Compass+ in mainstream schools, special schools, sixth forms, APs and PRUs.
Thursday 05 December (3.30 – 4.30pm) - Fully embedding Compass+ - Zoom
Join this webinar to:
- Understand how to use all functionality in Compass+ to create a full careers journey for every learner
- Understand how to analyse and export key data, to support strategic decision making
- Explore the latest product updates
- Know where to access further training and support
This webinar is designed for all Careers Leaders and key careers stakeholders who are involved in using Compass+ in mainstream schools, special schools, sixth forms, APs and PRUs.