How businesses are attracting top talent through T Levels
What are T Levels and how can they help you attract tomorrow’s workforce?
This webinar offers the chance to hear from employers who are already hosting T Level industry placements in the North East and to learn about the support available to help you.
Hosted by Louise Doyle, Co-founder and CEO of Mesma, a software-as-a-service provider, Lou will provide valuable insight into T levels through two lenses: as an employer hosting T -level industry placements; and as a Board member of the region’s largest general Further Education College Group delivering T levels; Education North East Partnership.
T Levels are the government’s flagship technical education programme, combining in-classroom learning and an industry placement. Hosting industry placements will help you grow your talent pipeline, bring in new skills and attract bright, interested young people into your organisation – many even stay on to become the workforce of the future.
During this webinar you will:
- Hear about T Levels and the business benefits of hosting industry placements
- Hear from employers who have hosted placements about how they work in practice
- Gain insights into how you can plan and prepare for placements
- Come away with resources and tools to help you
- Hear about the support available to you in the North East LEP area
Who is this event for?
Designed for managers and leaders in business in all industries and of all sizes interested in hosting placements.
- Employers
- Business
- Apprenticeships