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Eco Ed North East

  • Newcastle
  • Free


An event for teachers in the North East

Hosted by the Ministry of Eco Education, North of Tyne Combined Authority and Newcastle University

By 2025, The Department of Education suggests that all schools will require a sustainability lead and a climate action plan. This gathering includes presentations and workshops for teachers and school sustainability leads on how to embed climate and sustainability education through the curriculum alongside an opportunity to meet representatives from organisations supporting schools in the region.

This free event will be fast paced and informative. Jamie Driscoll, North of Tyne Mayor will open the proceedings. There will be presentations from the Newcastle University KATS (Kids Action Through Science) programme, the Ministry of Eco Education and David Dixon, Author of Leadership for Sustainability - saving the planet one school at a time. There will also be two short workshops hosted by the RHS and the Wildlife Trusts to provide hands-on ideas for activities in school.

All teachers who register will be provided with a free login for the Ministry of Eco Education website. A film crew will record the event.



The Boiler House, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU


  • Education

Event overview

Start Date
Event Type
Organiser Website
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Ministry of Eco Education
Registration Link
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