From 7 May 2024, North East Ambition is a project of the North East Combined Authority. Find out more at
Everything you need to know about apprenticeships
The North East Raising Aspiration Partnership is a collaboration of the five universities in the North East of England, working together to support young people to think about their futures and how higher education can help them reach their goals.
Mapped against the eight benchmarks of good career guidance, NCS enhances careers education.
A not-for-profit organisation that improves school systems at scale and provides empowering employability and careers services to young people and adults.
The largest provider of STEM education and careers support to schools, colleges and other groups working with young people across the UK
The government plan for raising the quality of careers provision in England.
A central government resource that hosts government publications
Enspire City will give 8 to 14 year-old students information about inspirational careers, education pathways and work sectors that may help them to choose a career in STEM.
NHS Health Careers is all about encouraging people to consider a career in the NHS.
Provides information, advice and guidance to help you make decisions on learning, training and work